Terahertz Light Pulses Speed Up Spin Switching

14/08/2019 Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and their colleagues from Germany and the Netherlands have achieved material magnetization switching on the shortest timescales, at a minimal energy cost. They have thus developed a prototype of energy-efficient data storage devices. 

A new technique to rapidly reverse a magnet’s polarity in a way that all of its spins coherently rotate could be used to develop more energy-efficient data storage devices and superfast computers in the future. The technique, which works by applying ultrashort pulses of terahertz-frequency light to the magnet, does not produce any waste heat and requires very little energy – just one photon per spin flip.

arquivo sem legenda ou nomeModern-day computer hard drives encode data as binary zeros and ones by orienting the spins in magnetic materials using magnetic field pulses created by an electrical current. This process dissipates huge amounts of energy though (and is relatively slow). Indeed, today’s data centres consume between 2 and 5% of the world’s electricity and produce waste heat that, in turn, requires even more power, to cool the servers down.

Researchers in Russia, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands have now exploited a novel, unprecedented strong interaction between the electric field of terahertz light pulses and magnetic spins. The effect, which they discovered in 2016 in the antiferromagnetic material thulium orthoferrite, makes the spins oscillate with large amplitude. This interaction, they found, is still not strong enough to switch the orientations of the spins, however, even using the most powerful THz radiation sources.

To be able to switch spins with THz light, the team designed and fabricated a special nanosized antenna (made of gold) and placed it on top of the thulium orthoferrite magnet. The antenna possesses plasmonic modes (collective oscillations of the metal’s conduction electrons) that increase the coupling between light and the antenna.

Enhancing the local light field

The device collects and focuses light at THz frequencies and enhances the local light electric field by more than 10 times. “This electric field is now strong enough to steer the magnetization of all the spins over a potential energy barrier and into a new orientation, in just picoseconds,” explains team member Rostislav Mikhaylovskiy, formerly of Radboud University in the Netherlands and now at Lancaster University in the UK. “This is because the photon energies of THz radiation are comparable to the energy needed to align the spins in the magnet.”

And that is not all: the temperature of the magnet does not increase at all during switching since the process requires the energy of just one quantum of the terahertz light – a single photon – per spin, he adds.

“The speed of purely electrical spin switching is typically limited to the GHz range by capacitances and inductances in electronic circuitry,” explains team member Christoph Lange of Regensburg University in Germany. “Most importantly, however, electronics inherently suffer from Ohmic energy losses, and subsequent heating. The flow of data in modern-day systems is now so intense that this waste heat is already restricting the performance of data centres and supercomputing facilities. Our approach avoids this problem by replacing electric current with light pulses.”

Coherent spin switching

To prove that they had indeed observed coherent switching of all the spins in the magnet, the researchers monitored the spin orientation using the polarization rotation imprinted on a short optical pulse that is delayed relative to the THz pulse. “If the initial spin deflection is not sufficient for synchronous spin switching, we observe a sinusoidal, oscillating signal in the polarization rotation,” explains Mikhaylovskiy. “If, on the other hand, the spins are switched, we observe a ‘beating’ signature on top of the oscillations, which is the characteristic ‘fingerprint’ of the spins deflecting over a potential barrier into a neighbouring local potential energy minimum.”

Our work is a major milestone in the worldwide research effort towards complete control of spins by THz pulses, Mikhaylovskiy tells Physics World. “The technology we have developed could enable highly energy-efficient data storage at greatly increased speeds as compared to existing technology. What is more, the coherent dynamics made possible by the extremely low energy dissipation may even allow for quantum information processing based on solid-state spins at THz clock rates.”

The team, which also includes Stefan Schlauderer and Rupert Huber from Regensburg University, Alexey Kimel of Radboud University and Anatoly Zvezdin from the Russian Academy of Sciences, now plans to continue its research at the new ultrafast laser at Lancaster University and accelerators at the Cockroft Institute. These facilities are able to generate intense pulses of THz light and the new experiments will allow the researchers to determine the practical and fundamental speed and energy limits of magnetic recording using THz light pulses.

Source: https://bit.ly/2Ms1WlI, via Physics World
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